BOISE The Idaho Conservation League appreciates the appointment of John Robison to Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s Shared Stewardship Advisory Committee. Gov. Little appointed members in early Oct. to advise him on the implementation of the Shared Stewardship initiative in the state. 

Robison, ICL’s Public Lands Director, will represent ICL and other Idaho conservation organizations. He said, “We thank Gov. Little for ICL’s appointment. We look forward to working with other members to advise on active public lands management projects and ways to reduce wildfire risk to communities, create and sustain jobs, and improve the health of Idaho’s forests and watersheds.”

In his announcement statement, Gov. Little said, “The protection of our rural communities and the health of our forests are critical issues that go beyond just one government agency or interest.” He continued, “These individuals are leaders in forest management and policy, and I appreciate them stepping up to ensure we consider all aspects to effectively implement Shared Stewardship in Idaho.”

In July, Gov. Little announced two large scale project areas – one each in northern and southern Idaho – where Shared Stewardship will be implemented. Governor-elect Little and federal officials signed the Shared Stewardship agreement in Dec. 2018. The Shared Stewardship initiative builds on Idaho’s four-year-old Good Neighbor Authority program in which the Idaho Department of Lands shares in implementing land management projects on national forests.

ICL has a long history of involvement in the responsible management of our public lands. The Idaho nonprofit has also been a pioneer for working collaboratively on natural resource issues. ICL is now involved with nine different forest restoration collaboratives throughout the state. 
