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HB 592: Grizzly and wolf depredation v2.0 — 2024

Summary: HB 592 would authorize funding to reimburse livestock owners for losses to grizzly bears and wolves.

ICL's position: Support

Current Bill Status: Law

Issue Areas: Agriculture, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Livestock, Wildlife

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Jerald Raymond (R-Menan) introduced HB 592, and the bill will be considered in the House Resources & Conservation Committee. The bill would provide for reimbursements to livestock owners and ranchers who experience losses as a result of wolves or grizzly bears. HB 592 is a rewrite of the earlier HB 485 on the same topic.

Current funding to reimburse for livestock losses comes only from federal and private sources. Under this bill, $150,000 would be authorized from state coffers, and could help attract additional federal dollars to reimburse for livestock depredation. The funding would still have to be appropriated later in the session though.

Among the changes from the prior version, instead of the Office of Species Conservation, the revised version puts control in the hands of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

Additionally, while the original bill allocated $75,000 to be used for “conflict prevention and education,” HB 592 removes the provision on education, and instead requires that the funding be limited to “deterrents that have proven effective.” Considering that many ranchers have implement cost-effective and proven methods to reduce conflict, we are hopeful to see this measure advance.

[NOTE: Funding for HB 592 was successfully appropriated by HB 731.

HB 592 is a good bill for Idaho’s wildlife, and as Idahoans, we want to see this public resource well managed. Take action today to let your legislators know that you care about Idaho’s wildlife!