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Washington Lake

Strong hikers can enjoy outstanding  views of the Pioneer Peaks while hiking this challenging and little-used trail.  This hike begins on the trail to beautiful Boulder Lake, a popular destination  for day hikers. At a higher elevation, three tiny lakes, including Washington  Lake, lie above Boulder Lake awaiting the adventuresome hiker. Be sure to bring  wading shoes for the creek crossing.

Drive east on Sun Valley – Trail Creek Road for 22.5 miles  to Copper Basin Road. Turn right and after 2 miles turn right again onto  Wildhorse Road. Drive 5.5 miles to an informal camping area on the right and  park. The sign beside the road indicates, "Boulder Cr. Tr." Allow about 1 hour  10 min. driving time from Ketchum.

– Gloria Moore, Day Hiking Near Sun Valley


Pioneer Mountains


7.5 miles


8,500 ft.




Standhope Peak and Phi Kappa Mountain Topo Maps

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Day Hiking Near Sun Valley by Gloria Moore